Disclosures (Income, Content, Philosophical):
Macro: [mak-roh] -adjective, noun, plural -ros very large in scale, scope, or capability.
Tot: [tot] –noun a small child - chiefly British. a small portion of a beverage, especially a dram of liquor.
Macrotots: [mak - roh tot-z] -noun, plural
- Big kids... yes, both of the kids were very big. They were in the 98th percentile for height and weight.
- Big kids... also applies to my wife and I.
- Eponymous Anagram allowing a semi-private nom-de-plume (You may also see: Taco Storm on occasion).
WARNING: Please keep this blog out of the reach of children, the slow-witted and the closed-minded.
- Our site includes advertising modules (like: Google Adsense) and links to Amazon products (via Amazon Associates). We appreciate any click-through, but do not expect to make a fortune on the transactions from this blog.
- Of course, if you want to send us piles of money, or swag, or products to test, we can work out an arrangement (full disclosure: we will disclose first and deposit the check later).
- I have received many life lessons from friends, relatives, and co-workers. Most stories will be sanitized to protect the innocent and the guilty.
- My policy is to cite, credit, and link -- since content should belong to the creator and not to a curator or some aggregation bot. My ideas are not nearly as clever.
- Citations may appear to be long, but many web pages are archived when they get older. I'm trying to capture context and avoid link-rot.
- Tot1 is a Program Manager in Information Technology (IT) on an Mergers and Acquisitions team.
- Program Manager is a fancy way of saying "scruffy looking nerf-herder".
- I'm still working on the "scruffy looking" part.
- Basically, I break stuff or put stuff together.
- Previous work history includes Microsoft, Citibank, Charles Schwab, and several other insurance and finance companies.
- Tot1 is an Army Brat that attended public elementary school, public middle school, an all-boys private Catholic High School, and a Jesuit University, then private post-grad schools. Therapy sessions are on-going.
- Tot1 holds a BA in History, a Graduate Certificate in Web Development, and an MBA.
- The opinions expressed are my own, and should be verified, confirmed, corroborated, sustained, substantiated, affirmed, tested, proved, or examined by your lawyer, CPA, Dentist, Professor, Veterinarian or other responsible adult.